...I'm coding...


About Information
About Information

Stefano Cavalli. Computer Engineer.

  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • City: Parma, Italy
  • Age: 30
  • English: C1
  • Italian: Mother Tongue
Coding Skills

Writing Golang code since many years at product level. Managing concurrency and communication with channels and goroutines is a good exercise to keep your mind sharp.


From Machine Learning applications to Blockchain testing, Python is always a must. Everything can be done in Python, if performance doesn't really matter.


Working with AWS, mainly on the following services: EC2, S3, KMS, Lambda, Secrets Manager, EventBridge, Cloud Watch, API Gateway, IAM and more.


Studying DeFi protocols in order to apply MEV techniques. Writing high-performance Golang code as well as Python frameworks for testing. Working also on Geth node. Love for Math & Solidity is a must.


Services, networking, pipelines, configurations. Having also devops skills always requires Linux knowledge, which nowadays every developer must counts on.


Working on Git as version control system in dev, test and production environment. It saves me many times, but nah, I still don't like merge conflicts.

SQL | No-SQL Databases

Many experiences in PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Neo4j, as well as manage those services on AWS. Tipically integrating with Golang or Python clients and libraries.

Neo4j Database

Neo4j is driving the growth of graph databases and is very useful to make stakeholders understand what is happening. However, I always prefer to re-implement low-level faster graph db.

ML & Data Analysis

Always curious about which direction the data is moving to. The benefits we can derive from data analytics are just mind-blowing.

LinkedIn assessments!

Check out my LinkedIn Assessments on my LinkedIn Profile!


Always play football, always support AC Milan.


I play guitar since I was six years old. Guitar is just magic.


Loving also play basketball, with friends, everywhere.


Capture the moment is always nice, when it works.

Blockchain & Smart Contracts

Interested since late 2016. Spend most of the time in studying and coding stuffs.